
In-laws are such a wonderful thing to have. There are different types of in-laws out in the world today. from those who make you feel welcomed into their family to those who are jealous of everything you and your spouse do or those who don't like you at all, and
barely tolerates you. 

Let's talk about those who have nothing good to say to you.

I know of a grandma that's always saying nasty things about her daughter-in-law any time her grandkids misbehave. The kids might do something she didn't like; the next thing that comes out of her mouth is, "they behave just like their mother. All their bad attributes, they got from her." Should the kids act terribly when they go out or speak rudely to anyone, it's always " that's the way their mother is, always rude to everybody, has no manners."

I think such an attitude isn't proper because we all know kids can be funny these days. You have to be careful with the things you say around them, or they might just take your words out of context. To those kids, their grandma isn't nice because of the things that come out of her mouth. And she might just be grooming hatred into those kids.

To them, there's nothing wrong with their mother, but the more time they spend with their grandma changes the way they see things. These are the kind of kid that grows up and thinks the same way their grandma does and act just like her.

There's this saying in Yoruba land that "any bad child belongs to the mother." It doesn't matter if the father is at fault; the mother is always the one being accused.

Not only do you hurt the mother, but her self-esteem is also being damaged because she knows anything she says or do, grandma is there to complain. We already have a world that's difficult for women; we don't need to do the same to ourselves.

Take note of the things you say around little kids because you might know what they are picking up from you. Even if you don't like your son's wife, you don't need to say it to the kids as they are innocent and know not what pains you.

How do you handle your mother-in-law? Let us know. Share your experience in the comment box.


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