Life on the Plus Size

 We all have some bad habits that we need to change. For example, you see a plus-size woman, instead of you just saying hello and moving on—you’ll say good day ma. If it were someone slimmer, it would be a good afternoon sister.

Some people don’t care to think about how their choice of words affects people. What makes you think that every plus size lady you see is older? Why do people associate age with size? It’s rude to see a plus-size lady and start addressing her as a madam. You don’t know how old she is or how your choice of word sits with her.

Some ladies are already insecure about their weight and they don’t need you to add more to it. Being on the plus side isn’t a bad thing. Some are born with it, some develop theirs due to the type of food they consume or lifestyle choices. Gaining weight is very easy but to lose that weight takes a lot of time. It’s not something you can just snap your fingers and it will happen.

Your word choice may not be a stone or a stick to cause any physical injury, what about psychological ones. It’s the mind that is affected. Supposing a lady that’s already bothered about the weight she has and has tried everything to lose it but nothing works. That alone is weighing her down without adding your own to it.

We need to work on how we greet each other. Take away that mentality of assuming every plus size lady is a mother. Stop calling them ma, mummy, madam. It’s so rude and maddening.  Some ladies won’t say anything and just smile and walk away while some will ask who you’re calling mummy, which can lead to something else.

At the same time, it gives some ladies problems because they start thinking about it, wondering what’s wrong with them. Why can’t they be perfect or be slimmer? What you don’t realize is that we are all wonderfully and beautifully made. There’s no need to be insecure about your weight, you are perfect the way you are.

So stop assuming every plus-size woman you meet is older and stop addressing them according to their weight. There are people with a small stature but are older and you won’t know.

Life is sweet on the plus side, only those in it can attest to it.

Have you had an encounter like that before? How did you respond? Do let us know your thoughts and view below.


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